Checking in weekly with your body image can help you feel less overwhelmed and may even help you spot positive or negative patterns. Let’s do this!
No matter how you answered, kudos for taking the time to notice how you feel. Next question…
Having a small, easy action item helps you learn to take care of yourself and your body image. Ready for your last check-in question?
This week, notice if checking in with your body image helped you feel more empowered.
Paid subscribers get access to the weekly body image lesson as well as an audio recording of the lesson + a quick breathing prompt. If you’re visually impaired or are experiencing financial difficulties and would like to access this feature for free, please email:
Healing takes time. You are worth every moment it takes to heal. Even though it might not feel like it, we all actually do experience moments when we feel relative peace with our body (even if they’re fleeting moments). Paradoxically, it’s normal to gloss over, not notice or even forget these moments of peace. This forgetting can create the illusion of stuckness - that we aren’t changing and growing all the time, when we actually are. Feeling stuck can lead to feeling disempowered. So, what’s the solution? Part of the solution is learning