I’m so excited to announce a new feature to my Substack! Every Sunday, you’ll receive a body image check-in just like this one so you can reflect on the week ahead. Try it!
Checking in weekly with your body image can help you feel less overwhelmed and may even help you spot positive or negative patterns. Let’s do this!
No matter how you answered, kudos for taking the time to notice how you feel. Next question…
Having a small, easy action item helps you learn to take care of yourself and your body image. Ready for your last check-in question?
This week, notice if checking in with your body image helped you feel more empowered.
Paid subscribers get access to the weekly body image lesson, an audio recording of the lesson + a quick breathing prompt. If you’re visually impaired or are experiencing financial difficulties and would like to access this feature for free, please email: virgie@virgietovar.com.
If I sat down with you and mapped out your entire year, we’d probably find that your body image ebbs and flows in ways that are actually pretty predictable. We often get activated around the same things, people, and times of year again and again. Most people don’t map out their mental health patterns (we’re all busy!). So often a moment of flow goes unnoticed, and then