I couldn't be happier for you and your wellbeing!

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Thanks, Nadia!

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Jul 12Liked by Virgie Tovar

Sitting in a waiting room right now 🤞

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How'd it go???

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Jul 13Liked by Virgie Tovar

Well, I paid $400 dollars for four injections in my neck :/ but felt emotionally and mentally supported 👍

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Oof tell me why we don't have universal healthcare?!?!? But glad you felt supported ♡

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I've got mixed feelings about my PCP, but I've had her for 29 years and am not wanting to re-educate another Dr. about my various medical conditions. She's only occasionally gotten on me about my weight, although she does nag me if I'm not going to the YMCA daily. I have chronic kidney disease and was ordered to lose weight before I could get on the transplant list. I was happy where I was and even though there is NO MEDICAL EVIDENCE I'd waste a kidney, the transplant rules are strict. I've worked very hard to go from 224-170 over the last 4 years. I was 200 the last time I saw my PCP. Her only remark yesterday was, "You've only lost 30 pounds since December." I am at my high school weight. I'm at my lowest adult weight! It has been horrible, eating once a day, going to the YMCA 5 nights a week, so I could prove I was worthy of a kidney. Four years of hell. And all I get is, "You've only lost 30 pounds in the last 6 months." She of course is very small.

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That’s so cool of your doc. I used to go to a doctor that would freak out about 3 pounds of trivial post ovulation water weight gain from the prior visit. Like I was literally on to the path of physical destruction and headed into stroke territory over 3 stupid pounds. Years later, still fine, marker numbers still the same. Fired that doc after awhile.

It really makes you contemplate every time you go into a doctor’s office whether they’re just there to terrify you in order to sell you something (buzzy new weight loss meds, statins, antidepressants, sleep meds, etc.). With trust in the medical profession being at an all time low in the U.S., you think they’d all try to do better.

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